
Hadza Arrow Poison – Strophanthus and Acokanthera species

Arrow poison based on Adenium sp. plant extracts was covered in a former article on this website. In the following, we will discuss the second type of poison the Hadzabe people make, which they call Shanjoko, a Strophanthus species. Additionally,…

Hadza Arrow Poison made from Adenium species

Remotely living Hadzabe people use three types of arrow poison to bag big game animals. However, due to the shrinkage in the size of their areas, they currently produce only two kinds. I will describe these arrow poisons briefly to…

Mentawai arrow poison

The Mentawai people use poison on their arrows to hunt game. In previous articles on this website, we discussed the Mentawai people’s hunting methods. Then, we presented an actual hunt for Flying foxes. We then discussed the longbows used on…

African milkbush causes painful blistering and inflammation

Euphorbia tirucalli (Euphorbiaceae) Common names: Ngego, ngewu, nlembonlembo (nlembo = finger) (Kongo), Euphorbe effilée, tirucalli (Fr), finger tree, finger euphorbia, African milkbush Description A leafless succulent shrub with cylindrical shoots, 2 – 8 m tall. All parts produce copious white…

Utilizing Horseshoe Crabs as a Food Source

Foreword Horseshoe crabs are a species not protected in Thailand and are experiencing a significant decline. Their primary habitats, particularly the mudflats around mangrove forests, where they live and reproduce, are diminishing, and there is a growing demand for edible…

Koppie Foam Grasshoppers

Koppie Foam Grasshoppers (Dictyophorus spumans) are indigenous to South Africa and prefer sparse and low vegetation on rocky outcrops. They are flightless and have some aposematic coloring, which are yellow or orange stripes on the warty thorax shield and stripes…

Bluebottle jellyfish – a stingy creature

The bluebottle jellyfish, also known as Physalia utriculus, is commonly found along the coasts of non-tropical regions bordering the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans. These creatures are not jellyfish but rather siphonophores composed of multiple organisms known as zooids. These…

Greenthorn tree and its uses

The Greenthorn tree (Balanites Maugham) is easily recognizable in Southern Africa due to its triangular, fluted, or buttressed trunk. Its spines are green like its twigs and often forked. It is very spiny and challenging to climb. It mainly grows…

Poisonous beauty: The ‘Elegant Grasshopper’

Aposematic coloration The ‘Elegant Grasshopper’ (Zonocerus elegans) occurs commonly throughout Southern Africa and is mentioned due to its aposematic coloration, typical for animals that want to announce that they are poisonous. And he is a poisonous grasshopper. In the case…