Bushscout UK’s fire bundle basket

Terry Longhurst said, “Bundle baskets are what we use with young people when fire lighting, using a bundle prevents them getting burnt, it also helps if they have special needs.” Such a fire bundle basket is chicken wire, which was…

Fire lighting with Flint & Steel

Originally, Stone Age- and Bronze Age man in Europe created fire by striking flintstone on marcasite and catching resulting sparks on tinder made from horseshoe fungi. Marcasite is crystallized pyrite (iron sulfate mineral) and is not readily available but has…

Hand drilling in UK as taught by Dave Watson

Friction fire hand drills are normally not the first choice for fire lighting in the Northern Hemisphere, as it is regarded as a strenuous technique, especially in cold and humid environments. Dave Watson proved under overcast Northern Wales weather conditions,…

Bow drill standard procedure by Dave Watson

The approach of friction fire lighting with bow drills in the UK is slightly different from other countries. In the following, these differences will be explained. Materials and shapes of the various bow drill elements Hearth board of the bow…

Solar fire lighting

The energy received by the earth from the sun is called the Solar Constant, which describes the effect that every 1 m2 of planet earth, facing the sun rays in a 90-degree angle (directly overhead) will receive 1375 Watts (Joules/sec)….