Himba smoke shower

The Himba women continue practicing traditional personal hygiene methods, including using a smoke shower and a mixture of red ochre and butter-fat paste. These Indigenous people are properly referred to as the ‘OvaHimba’ when plural and are mainly semi-nomadic, residing in the northeastern region of Namibia. Unlike the closely related OvaTwa, who still depend on hunting and gathering for sustenance, the OvaHimba are pastoralists.

Young Himba woman

How are OvaHimba women holding up their private hygiene?

OvaHimba women only shower with water once in their lifetime, on their wedding day. Instead, they use ground red ochre and liquid butter fat for their hair and body daily for hygiene. This mixture gives their skin and hair a deep, earthy red color and pleasant scent. It also provides antibacterial benefits and blocks sweat glands. In addition, they take a daily smoke shower.

Himba woman

It’s worth noting that OvaHimba men do not use ochre-fat pastes on their hair or skin and only take smoke showers occasionally. The smoke shower is taken inside the woman’s hut, as OvaHimba society is polygamous. Each man has an average of two wives, so each wife has her own hut for herself and her children.

Hut of a Himba woman

Before a smoke shower, the OvaHimba mix ground ochre with liquid butter fat. After that, they apply the paste to their entire body and hair.

Smoking ingredients of a Himba woman

They then place glowing coals on a flat stone or other refractory base. Next, they put a small piece of plant resin, dried plant matter, or wood shavings on top of the embers. The remaining embers are arranged around the plant material so that it produces smoke but does not burn. This process creates the smoke that the OvaHimba use to cleanse themselves.

Incense materials used for smoke showering.

Commiphora wildii
Commiphora wildii

For thousands of years, the OvaHimba have primarily used resin from the Namibian myrrh tree (Commiphora wildii) for their smoke showers. This resin is known as Omumbiri. More information on this can be found here.

Resin excretion of Commiphora wildii
Resin excretion of Commiphora wildii

If resin from the Commiphora wildii tree is unavailable, the OvaHimba will use a similar resin from another species of Corkwood tree. This one is also known as Commiphora africana or Poison-grub corkwood. It is so named because San bushmen would dig beneath its shrubs for larvae, which they used to poison their arrows. The process of digging for these larvae is quite laborious. They live approximately two meters (6.6 feet) underground, but fortunately, in sandy soil. Commiphora africana wood is also used by Hadzabe people in Tanzania for friction fire lighting.

If Commiphora resins can not be obtained or the OvaHimba women desire a different fragrance, they will use Wild Sage (Syncolostemon canescens) for their smoke showers. This perennial plant is described below; see the link here. If neither Commiphora resins nor Wild Sage are available, the OvaHimba may use shavings of Mopane wood (Colophospermum mopane) for their smoke showers and other rituals. This wood is also known for its pleasant fragrance.

How is smoke showering done?

Himba woman preparing a smoke shower

During a smoke shower, the base holding the embers is lifted, and the upper body is smoked first. Special attention is paid to areas where bacteria increase, such as the armpits underneath the breasts and chin. The smoking basin is then placed back on the ground, and a conical wicker basket is positioned over the embers.

Himba woman taking a smoke shower

This basket will be placed between the OvaHimba’s outstretched legs and close to their body. A blanket will then be draped over the smoking cone basket. The fabric covering the private parts will then be lifted, allowing the smoke to reach the entire lower body.

Lessons learned about the Himba smoke shower:

  • OvaHimba women use a mixture of red ochre and butter fat to prevent bacterial growth on their hair and body.
  • The primary incense used for smoke showering by the OvaHimba is Namibian myrrh, also known as Omumbiri.
  • Other resins are from Commiphora africana and Wilde sage or Mopane wood shavings.
  • Ochre embalming and smoke showering are part of the daily routine for OvaHimba women.
  • In contrast, OvaHimba men do not use ochre paste and only take smoke showers occasionally.


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