Explore our content about Africa

Shore fishing for Bronze Whaler Shark

Bronze Whaler Sharks (Carcharhinus brachyurus), also known as Copper Sharks, are a sought-after game fish for recreational anglers in many…

Bushmeat snaring

Bushmeat snaring is a widespread hunting method in Sub-Saharan Africa. Public landscapes in this part of the world are often…

Himba smoke shower

The Himba women continue to practice traditional methods of personal hygiene. This includes using a smoke shower and a mixture…

Safari footwear for hiking in African savannas

Proper safari footwear is essential for hiking in Southern African savannas. These savannas are defined by a lush grassy layer…

Termite soil as building material

Termite mounds are primarily made of soil, which is excavated below the mound and carried to the surface by these…

Grey Foam-nest Tree Frogs

Grey foam-nest Tree Frogs (Chiromantis xerampelina) are also called ‘Southern Foam-nest Tree Frogs’ or just ‘Foam-nest Frogs’. Their native distribution…