Some mushroom collectors

And some sellers

Bunsambi (Polyporus tenuiculus) grows on dead tree trunks (particularly Voacanga africana) and can be found throughout the year. It is cooked with simsim or seeds of pumpkin or squash.

Lumvumvu (Lentinus squarrosulus) Grows on dead wood in the forest. Photo: Jacques Miaglia

Lutumbula or Lutumbulu is found in large quantities in the savanna at the start of the rains. The mushroom is very popular being used as a substitute for meat and vegetables. Eating large amounts, however, is believed to cause illness.

Nkaka bu bwaka bwaka The “grandfather” of Bwaka bwaka, on a dead Dacryodes edulis tree.
References: Struyf in Gillet & Pâque 1910 p 9, Daeleman & Pauwels 1983, Eyi Ndong et al. 2011
Text and all photos at this article © Paul Letham. The professional background and contact information of the author of this article, can be found here.