Brief introduction of:
Paul Latham
Paul Latham, BSc Agriculture (London), is a retired Salvation Army officer who has worked in Africa for over twenty years, which he mostly spent on farmer training in East Africa. More recently, he has worked with a Salvation Army rural development program in the Kongo Central province, D.R. Congo, and was involved in the development of a beekeeping project in that province and the preparation of several teaching booklets for farmers about useful plants, beekeeping, and edible caterpillars. He is married, has two daughters and six grandchildren, and now lives in Scotland.
Paul Latham permitted ‘Bushguide101’ to republish articles from his books and publications to this website. All textual content and images within these articles are © Paul Latham and Augustin Konda ku Mbuta, unless otherwise stated.
Paul Latham et al. published the comprehensive book ‘Caterpillars and Chrysalises eaten in Africa‘ (2024), which can be downloaded here free of charge.
Paul Latham’s and Augustin Konda ku Mbuta’s books ‘Useful plants of Kongo Central Province’, Vol 1 and Vol 2, can be downloaded in English language here or French language there.
Their book ‘Edible caterpillars and their food plants in Kongo Central Province, Democratic Republic of Congo’, 2021, can be downloaded here.
And their article ‘Some Honeybee plants of Bas-Congo Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo’, Third edition 2014, can be downloaded at this link.
Paul can be contacted at

Brief introduction of:
Augustin Konda ku Mbuta
Augustin Konda ku Mbuta is a biologist. He is researcher in applied ethno-pharmacology at the Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé (I.R.S.S.) in Kinshasa. He has been the organizer of ANAMED D.R. Congo since 1996 and promotes traditional knowledge of medicinal plants for health and welfare. Upon request, he hosts seminars and workshops across the country on natural medicine for healers, nurses, farmers, and teachers.
In 1999 he created and now manages Bumbu’s Centre de Santé de Médecine Naturelle et Moderne in Kinshasa, which puts ANAMED’s knowledge into practice. He also manages the educative and productive garden of medicinal plants at Mingadi, in Kinshasa’s suburbs and he has been a consultant on the biology of bees and bee botany on the APEFE SNV project in Kongo Central.
He is author of numerous scientific articles on ethnobotanics and co-writer of pamphlets and posters on natural medicine. Augustin is married and lives in Kinshasa, DR Congo.
Augustin’s E-Mail address is