Baobab seeds and pulp porridge

Sweat Bees – not a danger, but a nuisance

Stingless bee honey collected by Hadza people

Traditional huts of the Hadza people

Hottentotta trilineatus scorpions at Yaeda South in Tanzania

Hadza water sources

Climbing a Baobab tree

Wild Sweetpea tubers as food for Hadza people

Orang Rimba shelters in the forests of Sumatra

Tu-Lip trees in Papua New Guinea

Traditional Remedies for Snakebite

Visiting Orang Rimba people in Jambi province

Harvesting Asian honey bees in a rock crevice

Harvesting Shipworms in a Thai Mangrove Forest

Hog plums for food

Disinfecting water with Potassium Permanganate

Small black snakes of Southern Africa

Collecting Pipi clams at Rawai Beach

Bottom fish traps of the Urak Lawoi people

Rectangular squid traps in Thailand

Catching mud crabs at Koh Lanta

Giant Fennel pith for transporting fire

Red-tailed pipe snake

Ambarella fruit in the Mekong Delta

Trapping eels in Northern Vietnam

Advanced Rifle Handling (ARH) for Trail Guides

Bow Drilling – following the method of Mattias Norberg

Giant Fennel stalks for lighting fire

Vine snakes of Africa

Giant Fennel stalk wood as building material